Hello! its my time to shine i guess. As mentioned before, I am the newest one here. It might not seem so new when i mention that I was around since 8th grade, but believe this: our timeline goes as such Sare at age 4 Juke at age 11 me at around 13-14 Blu is my name because well... I am the most emotional out of us all. Quite frankly, the most Blue, or as Sare would say, the cry baby. Thats not exactly what i am though. I am indeed our emotion, which is interesting if youd allow me to explain. I hold our feelings and emotions towards things, so if im "sleep", we can't feel much, thus hurting happens less. With DID, always remember its from extreme trauma. Even if we aren't experiencing it, we live like we will any second. my purpose is to literally sleep. If i was a deadly sin, I'd be sloth. When I sleep, our emotions are unwavering, but when I'm awake, we can feel whats nessasary for the occasion(like watching a sad movie) But enough with what my purpose he...