

its my time to shine i guess. As mentioned before, I am the newest one here. It might not seem so new when i mention that I was around since 8th grade, but believe this: our timeline goes as such

Sare at age 4

Juke at age 11

me at around 13-14

Blu is my name because well... I am the most emotional out of us all. Quite frankly, the most Blue, or as Sare would say, the cry baby. Thats not exactly what i am though. I am indeed our emotion, which is interesting if youd allow me to explain.

I hold our feelings and emotions towards things, so if im "sleep", we can't feel much, thus hurting happens less. With DID, always remember its from extreme trauma. Even if we aren't experiencing it, we live like we will any second. my purpose is to literally sleep. If i was a deadly sin, I'd be sloth. When I sleep, our emotions are unwavering, but when I'm awake, we can feel whats nessasary for the occasion(like watching a sad movie)

But enough with what my purpose here is, let me introduce my 16 personality results. This should be a short little blog due to fronting not being voluntary, so bare with the fast and lackadaisical flow of this. 

to start, here is as accurate a representation of my looks

here is me. No, my favorite color isn't Blu' but its more like my soul is blue.

My test results were INFP-A
This is straight from out slides presentation because i can't be bothered to type out more of myself.. Plus i summed myself up perfectly the first time.

Assertive only really means im less unstable in general. I don’t usually talk so please bare with me. I am fairly comfortable with myself. I am the Sin Sloth. Lazy should be my middle name… Blu Lazy Ski. i like this. Compared to my turbulent counterparts, my mistakes are nothing but stepping stones to learn more, not a failure like Juke and Sare believe. I like taking risk… sometimes. I dont regret much in life. I avoid expressing my true self through my works, its better to keep thing less personal. Im really independent and I usually am very good at handling serious decisions

My main role in this system is diplomacy. If you can imagine, we dont always get along, but I am one to hate conflict. Like the language of dogs, we want no problems, so i try my best to solve any issues.

Sare says people would like to see this, so here are my stats. Judge on your own will

  • 87% introverted. 

My only difference is i enjoy solitary with my favorite people and pets

  • 91% intuitive

Same as Juke. we brainstorm and swap ideas all the time c:

  • 66% feeling

I am sensitive and express very emotionally. I have the most empathy out of the other two and im far less competitive. Main focus is social harmony and cooperation. 

  • 61% prospecting 

Flexible, nonconformist, options always open for opportunities and improvising

  • 76% assertive

Self-assured, even-temper, bit resistant to stress. I don’t like to worry too much and I can’t push myself too hard for my goals. I still like relaxing a lot more than working.

That about as much work I feel like putting in. At a later date maybe I'll go more in-depth on who i am, but one thing to take away from this is

I'm still very much so a demon like the rest, its just i fell from heaven while the others crawled out of hell.

as always, comment if you want to. I'd be happy to interact with people who have interest in us and our life.

goodbye for now

mwah >3<
