Some Crazy Ideas I Have
I want to start off by saying I want to be an astronaut one day. I legit want to have my ashes thrown out to space with a camera on it that records everything my soul gets to see and explore despite the many many limitations that prevent us from going millions of light years.
so this is why I have ideas. Theories and Thesis's. That are right out crazy. But why shouldn't I say them? No one else has said anything, so whether I'm wrong or right, I'll just be poking fun at and get a good laugh to myself.
without further ado
Theory #1:
The reason we can't see dark matter is because space/dark matter is what our thoughts
sit in, like stars and planets are neurons. and parts of the evolution of our intelligence.
I came up with that one first. I wasn't even 10 yet, I don't think. But I've carried it with me because, here, listen to this.
What if it isn't that crazy(im joking btw)?
So I used to branch off this idea. What if when we think and evolve our perception of the environment is a start or a planet forming. Imagine we were living on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy that is a much much larger beings neurons. But its infinitely looping. That being, when we zoom out even more beyond human comprehension. This being is walking a world similar to ours. But they walk a planet in a solar system, In a galaxy that is the neuron of a intergalactic swimming fish. so on and so forth. endlessly.
Now tell me if you could say I'm wrong. Prove it.
space is so vast and unreachable that it's hard to not let some screws loose and let the ideas flood out. How many planets did the Kepler Project find? Tell me I'm crazy, but I'd much rather be told creative. Anyway.
Theory #2:
NGC-1052-DF2. Is a miniature big bang. What if thats why It looks weird, the stars have yet to be pushed apart by an infinite source of dark matter.
Imagine this one now. Just like throwing a spinning firework into water, wouldn't naturally the water, at best form and physiological positioning become a little swirl outwards? Galaxies, just like us, lives and die, is part of the theory too. This could mean that reactions happen when it dies in a certain, compacted way. Maybe the process the big bang produced could be replicated at a much smaller scale. Maybe that is what NGC-1052-DF2 is. A mini big bang, The only reason I don't think this isn't too crazy an Idea because, if my math is correct, about 3,900,000,000,000 years away. No one is surviving that, and with how far it is from us, who's to say it just hasn't shown movement like spreading out yet.
Whose to say we aren't about to get caught in a turtle water highway from finding nemo of dark matter and we burn in a sudden, highly radioactive, space storm.
no one. exactly. My point made; let us move on.
This is an edit. 1/14/22
i want to rearrange this theory because after some recent news about stephen hawkings theories coming to light, ive changed my mind. in simple terms, his theory is that the black darkness of the universe itself is black hole matter. Now I've been left to wonder even more about NGC-1052-DF2.
I sit, deeply pondering: is NGC-fuckshitnameit is us watching a super massve blackhole take a huge dump.
better yet, if that is supported, that would mean blackholes are so much more complex than we thought. literally time and space warping. But i dont doubt it. I can imagine, therefore, technically, it could exist
Theory #3:
We could genetically engineer ourselves to really look or obtain anything we want if we map out our genomes.
Here me out before holding a pitchfork in front of your baby like he's the lion king. I know this is controversial, so this is my reasoning for believing its okay for this to not be taken seriously. It's simply a wacky idea I entertained myself with at ungodly hours.
We have the biggest pool of genetic variations and types widely available. Other living creatures(not plants). My Idea was a two step thought. We take the genetics lizards have to be able to regrow limbs and replace the correct genetics our skin use to repair itself from wounds. Then let say you want black wings like a fallen angel? Take a wedged tail eagles genetics to develop and grow its wings. Now this is the complicated but hopefully already done step. Use the subconscious mind to tell the wings to grow proportional to the development of our shoulder blades(like bats), but not the area connected to our hand... essentially we'd have 2 sets of arms, but the other ones would be functional wings. If you have the want to blow your own mind, Just think of how many animals are on this planet, because some animals that I love the most are tree kangaroos, nicobar pigeon, and norwegian forest cats, among many many more. The possibilities are only limited by what we can't imagine and working it out like a math problem(with the politics).
What would you look like if all you had to do was pick and choose. point your finger and its yours without the surgery. But please can we agree that people who either want multiple people or vis versa to look like the same person. we put them up on trial for the death penalty?
Anyway, I am getting tired and I have to clean so I'll end off with just this little drop of my crazies.
If you vibe with one of these theories, comment what you think of it. I love being able to bounce off of other like minded people. Plus it would just be fun to see.
But if you don't vibe with any of this?
I just about listen to everything and its a nice way to get to know me. I tend to express myself best through the music I listen to or send to someone.
I'm back the very next day to share more theories :P
Theory #4:
Kids with things like ASD and ADHD aren't special needs, but specialty babies. Evolved versions of us humans. Our body is already perfect for this planet, so the only thing left is our minds. It makes as much sense as common sense. I myself have observed that ASD is basically like knowing everything for no reason and wowing people when you speak even tho the person themselves doesn't, and can't reciprocate. When I smoke the marihuanas, It helps me differentiate the over stimulation of the whole world.
When I go out, the sounds of the city I live in come through my ears in a lump some of static. Just like how ears react when a loud sound goes off right next to the ear, I get that from mildly loud things. Sure, it's not earruptionering, but it's just about the same for me and my other counterparts(friends, not personalities). Smells and unnatural lighting causes headaches, high fructose corn syrup I'm sensitive to. It leaves a nasty after-taste so I avoid all drinks and candies that have too much of that synthetic shit. Thats just a small example, but it always leads to people thinking I'm a "picky eater"
Well yes the fuck I am motherfucker, I'm retarded
(I should mention that I grew up to never see that word as offensive, only because even when people called me that, I knew I was still better than them so I couldn't understand that it was to hurt me. If this bothers you, don't. It's just words, not an unwarranted death sentence. Calm down snow flake).
I can't handle bad quality shit produced in the massive quantities, like McDonalds french fries. They have a odd little aftertaste hint of poison. Pepsi is also rat acid or something and that's only the tip of the iceberg of things that aren't allowed to touch my tongue.
Other things I used to solidify my reasoning is just the magnitude of information we tend to collect. My boyfriend is a mega expert on cars, I know too many animals and planets outside our solar system, and my friend is a mega genius who hated ALL of school(and skipped a lot of it too).
Together we try out best to help each other to live. Loud sounds made us anxious, not being understood made us depressed, Our lack of understanding this world made us be called "special needs". Now when I say that teaching myself algebra was so much easier to understand only because khan academy had the history of why is exactly what happened? Why would I need to say more? I love math, yet no one was able to help me understand why I'd want to understand numbers, thus throwing all my schooling in the fire each summer, making it pass the next year all because they for some reason didn't integrate our years together, but instead taught a subject completely disconnected, making it a loophole to worrying about getting my school work done.
And I come to my conclusions by very creative ways of thinking about it because I cannot for the life of me understand grey thinking without at least being shown it. I was that kid that took hold of my seat, instead of just taking a seat down. I tried to break my legs during stressful test to get me through them because my body would fill with such an uncomfortable overwhelmed feeling, and i was told to break a leg. But being like this only means the reason why I got INTP-T, I'm logical, and telling me to take my seat than rather saying take a sit down, of course I'm gonna fuck up. It's not that I'm stupid, It's that I literally don't and can't think in grey asshat language. I can now with practice, but even now still, I won't use that shit to get by, I'll just be frank af.
okay... well I'm done for now. Peace
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